воскресенье, 30 ноября 2014 г.


       As I have mentioned before, there are three main characters here: Sue, Johnsy and Old Behrman.
They are all artists and lived in one house, but Sue and Johnsy shared one flat. They are both young and have plans for the future, but suddenly a desease changes them. We understand that Sue is Jonsy's best friend, because she helps her and suppors her in every moment of her life. She didn't left her when she was ill, but on the contrary, - did everything possible to help. She is very loving and caring.
Johnsy fall ill and easily gave up. She thought she was going to die when the last leaf fall down from the tree and she kept counting them.
Mr.Behrman was there old neighbour, who was a painter as well. He fell ill too, but he didn't gave up and being ill created his great masterpiece.
One of the minor characters is Doctor, who was always busy, but at the same time very kind and a real professional.


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